• Tag BBC3

    Results for tag search BBC3:
  • BBC3 will go off air in March after BBC Trust finally approves plans for closure The Trust has ordered BBC1 and BBC2 to gear their output more strongly to younger audiences when the channel closes but admits that 780,000 viewers who only watch BBC3 could be lost when it goes and attracting talent...


  • Plans to close BBC3 as a broadcast channel given go-ahead A blow to campaigners as the Corporation's regulator the BBC Trust says the proposal to move the channel online passes its public value test   By Ben Dowell 30 June 2015 The RadioTimes


  • BBC3's move online delayed until 2016 The BBC Trust will not report the findings of its public consultation until June meaning the channel is likely to be taken off the airwaves next January By Ben Dowell 23 April 2015 The RadioTimes


  • Save BBC3 protestors march to BBC Trust to deliver 270,000-signature petition   "This sends a message to the top. The leadership of the BBC cannot ignore this," says one MP, following a morning of singing and good-natured protesting against the proposed move of the channel online   By  Ben...


  • Wolf Hall director Peter Kosminsky urges the nation not to “p**s away” the BBC   The director used a gala screening of the six-part BBC2 historical drama to urge viewers and politicians to protect a “uniquely precious institution”     By  Ben Dowell 12 December 2014 RadioTimes


  • BBC3's move online "in and of itself is good" claims BBC Trust chair New BBC Trust chair Rona Fairhead appears to back the closure of the digital channel, but the Trust has yet to hear detailed proposals from the BBC   RadioTimes By  James Gill Tuesday 21 October 2014   


  • Tony Hall: “This is not the end of BBC3 it’s the beginning of a new BBC3” The BBC director general has laid out plans to take the youth-focused channel online – adding £30 million to BBC1’s drama budget in the process RadioTimes , by Paul Jones, 06 March 2014